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Lovely Weather We're Having Cheat Code For Ps3


Updated: Mar 13, 2020

About This Game Go Outside With Your DogLovely Weather We're Having is a goal-free explorer game. It uses local weather data to simulate the weather conditions where you are.You're locked out of your house in an odd, peaceful landscape with your trusty pooch. Interact with a dozen NPC's whose moods change with the weather. Jump off a roof. Kick a rock. Run through flowers. Be outside! "The vibrantly colored world of Lovely Weather We're Having doesn't take you back to a specific time necessarily, but to a mind set, when the world seemed bigger and brighter and more mystifying."-Jess Joho, Kill Screen "Lovely Weather is a clever little mood stimulator on the contemplative end of the scale, a kind of dynamic Zen box. You open it and poke around a little and maybe close it, thinking “Is that all?”And then you come back, and the weather’s different, and the time of day’s just so, and it takes your breath away."-Matt Peckham, WIRED"it looks gentle and colourful and weathery which is rather appealing as I’ve had a nice morning of typing and listening to the rain fall outside."-Philippa Warr, Rock Paper Shotgun"Watched the trailer and I have no idea what the game is about."-Someone on redditSOME FEATURES:Responds to local weather data, simulates actually being outside.Pleasant sounds, colors, and visuals that I hope you like. Designed with introverts in mind.12 NPCs whose moods and conversation topics change with the weather and time of day.Hundreds of conversations to be had (most of them not about the weather).Open gameplay, forever.Designed to be played in 10-20 minute bursts, endlessly.Cute dog.A top-secret c h e a t c o d e.Rocks you can kick.**SEE YOU OUTSIDE** 7aa9394dea Title: Lovely Weather We're HavingGenre: Casual, Indie, RPG, SimulationDeveloper:Julian GlanderPublisher:GlandercoRelease Date: 10 Nov, 2015 Lovely Weather We're Having Cheat Code For Ps3 lovely weather we're having spongebob. what lovely weather we're having. what lovely weather we're having today. lovely weather we're having meme. lovely weather we're having in spanish. lovely weather we're having in spanish. lovely weather we're having game. lovely weather we're having. what lovely weather we're having pink panther. it is lovely weather we're having. lovely weather we're having pink panther gif. lovely weather we're having spongebob meme. lovely weather we're having handmaid's tale. lovely weather we're having pink panther. it's lovely weather we're having pink panther. lovely weather we're having handmaid's tale. lovely weather we're having meme. louis armstrong lovely weather we're having. lovely weather we're having game. what a lovely weather we re having. what a lovely weather we re having. it's lovely weather we're having pink panther. lovely weather we're having pink panther gif. what lovely weather we're having today. what lovely weather we're having pink panther. it is lovely weather we're having. lovely weather we're having. lovely weather we're having spongebob meme. lovely weather we're having gif. what lovely weather we're having. lovely weather we're having spongebob. lovely weather we're having gif. lovely weather we're having pink panther. louis armstrong lovely weather we're having There’s something wonderful about Lovely Weather We’re Having, by Julian Glander. Maybe it has something to do with the bright pastel colours, off-the-wall characters and adorable little pug that faithfully follows you wherever you go? It’s a delightful plaything, that’s undeniable, but it leaves me craving more than it can offer.You and your little pug friend have been locked out of the house, and have nothing but roaming around the village and talking to the locals to pass the time. And what a weird bunch of locals they are. There’s a giant sea monster, for one thing, who is much more approachable and friendly than his exterior may suggest. Then there’s the guy with the rockin’ afro, slumped beside his house and always asking philosophical questions. I’m pretty sure he’s the game’s token stoner, though. There’s over a dozen of these lovable characters to encounter, and they will always be happy to spit out some mystifying conundrum, or piece of advice.The game, in a clever little piece of technological jiggery-pokery, can extrapolate time and weather details based on where you are playing, and the town and townspeople will react accordingly. At night time you’ll receive a torch to run around with and so on. Little touches like that keep things interesting, and add a little variety to your encounters you’ll have with your neighbours.You aren’t supposed to play for extended periods of time. Rather, a few short 10-15 minute bursts at different times of the day. That way you’ll get to experience the day gracefully fade to night, and the various mood changes your neighbours have throughout the day.It’s just a kick in the pants that there’s not much more to Lovely Weather We’re Having.I’m not new to these “goal-free” games, where exploration is your only real objective, but I’m a little disheartened nonetheless.The game’s world and the people that inhabit it are so well-crafted, that it’s difficult to believe that there isn’t more to discover. Just a little more interaction, please, that’s all I ask.Don’t let my slight grievances put you off, though. Lovely Weather We’re Having is a gorgeous game to explore, and Glander’s signature art style will appeal just as much to adults as it will to children.People of a more serene disposition will glean more enjoyment out of Lovely Weather We’re Having than the rest of us, but I suspect that was the intention all along.If you enjoyed my review, please feel free to visit my website for more! This game is very unfinished. The game promises dialogues but they are only two sentences long. There is a bike that you can't ride, you can't sit or swim in the water. Art style is interesting but definitely not worth the 5\u00a3 for 2 minutes of entertainment.. dev has some balls to be charging $8 for a game where you do absolutely nothing. Lovely Weather We're Having? No, that's not the ever-so-awkward pickup line spouted by hundreds of teenage boys to cute girls daily across the world, it's the name of an indie explorer game on Steam. Now, whether you can call it a game or not depends on how you define the word “game”. If you define it as an application that has interactive elements, then this would be a game; however, if you desire your games to have a defined plot-line, an actual ending, and/or a reason to actually continue playing beyond the first 10 minutes, you might find this particular offering wanting.For the sake of this review, I won't call it a game – rather, I'll refer to it as an “interactive experience”, in some ways similar to Journey, though nowhere near as polished or meaningful. Lovely Weather We're Having is done in a clay animation style, which, while simple, can be a bit grating after a few minutes of play. The controls are also fairly simple – use WASD to move your character around, and the Space bar to interact with the various characters scattered throughout the world. The whole time you're wandering about this fairly barren landscape, your little puppy follows you without so much as a sound.In actual gameplay, it is simple, almost annoyingly so. There is very little to do but talk to other characters and kick around some rocks; the biggest draw is the fact that the weather in-game is supposed to change based on your local weather. I have to admit that the developers added a bit of an interesting element by adding sounds to various things that you walk over or kick around; however, this feature would have been more intriguing if they had added variation in the sounds. It can be obnoxious when every flower you walk over creates the exact same tone, and every stone you kick sounds the same no matter the size.Overall, while Lovely Weather We're Having might be ideal for young children looking to enjoy a few minutes of pointless running around with cutesy graphics, I cannot recommend it for anyone over the age of 7. The lack of purpose, interaction, and general things to do will become boring incredibly quick for anyone who enjoys truly interactive games. pros:it scrungled my grumpus also they move to the beats of "Absolutamente" by Fangoriacons:im always worried pupper get lost. me & my friends play this game together and we love it to pieces. my only complaint is i wish dwayne (the little rock with hotdog bun lips near the forest) was a more fleshed out character. i feel he has much to say about his life and i would like to become closer friends with him. that is all.also watch me & my friend play\/draw fanart of the game here: https:\/\/\/watch?v=yJEEkk-2P6w


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